Why others have joined
A richer travel experience
Teachers Travel Web is one of many initiatives that bring people together, foster understanding and mutual respect, and break down cultural barriers.
People join Teachers Travel Web for all kinds of good reasons. The obvious one: free lodging for a whole year - for the price of just one night in a budget hotel or a basic B & B.
Compatible house guests, reliable home exchangers
You will be welcomed by fellow educators and feel right at home!
We all have similar levels of education, a shared professional background, a broad range of interests. We are mature travellers and we integrate easily in new surroundings.
Get a personal welcome and make new friends
If you like to spend your holidays travelling, why not meet colleagues along the way and stay with them for a few days? A personal welcome and the immersion in local life will turn an overnight stay into a unique experience.
Receiving colleagues from all over the world will broaden your horizon, and give you the opportunity to contribute to their trips. It will even allow you to travel in the comfort of your living room - through your guests' stories.
Everything gets easier when you stay with other members:
- your well-earned vacation, abroad or in your own country
- a city trip, a weekend break, a short holiday
- a homely break on your backpacking journey
- an overnight stop on the long road to a family reunion
- a discovery tour of the area where your next job will take you
- a stay as a guest lecturer or during a sabbatical
- to prepare an activity in the area (a summer camp, a tour, a rally)
- to finally explore that special place in your own country,...
Make your city trips cheaper:
- stay with a member in a city centre and cut back on hotel costs
- enjoy a nice city centre hotel for a night or two and spend the other nights with your hosts
-find a host near the city you want to visit and use public transport from there
- stay with a member in or near one city, and explore a second one from there.
This is a definite possibility in Europe, with its short distances and good public transport between places of interest.
- Economise on the cost of food - a big chunk of the budget when you "eat out" all the time. Use your host's kitchen to prepare a lunch box and a simple cooked meal at night.
On a longer camping trip? Enjoy some homely comfort
When you 're travelling with a mobile
home, a campervan or a tent, other members can let you use their bathroom, kitchen, washing machine,...
Travelling on your own?
It's reassuring to know that you can easily get in touch with other members. Membership is not only about accommodation, but also about giving each other a hand along the road.
Avoid the tourist traps
With tips and advice from the locals, you will see and do things that you would never have discovered on your own.
Planning a trip? Ask for suggestions and tips from members in the area
You can contact another member to get some advice even if you're not staying with them.
A foreign language bath
Spending a few days with a host family gives you total immersion in the language and in day-to-day culture and local habits.