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House Sitting

A flexible alternative to home exchange

Stay in the home of another member while they are away, or have your home cared for during your absence

With House sitting one member lives in the home of another while he or she is away. You don't actually swap homes during the same period. House sitting means that you enjoy free accommodation while you take care of another member's home - everybody happy! It's all about give and take.

Enjoy your "home away from home"

If you're looking for free accommodation and a place you can call your own, you should definitely list yourself for house sitting. All it takes is looking after someone else's home while they are away.

Have your home looked after

House sitting is the perfect solution if you want another member to look after your home while you are away.
Your home will be cared for by a colleague, someone you can first get to know on this website through emails, Skype, etc..
Your house or flat isn't inviting to burglars, your pets and plants are cared for etc.

Do you have a second home or holiday house?

If you have a second place that is not occupied all the time, why not include it in your offer?
Send us an email before you start on the application form so we can help you to fill it in correctly.

You can also enjoy Home hosting and Home exchange, at a special promotion fee of 15 � / 20 $ for one year (normal fee for 1 year 45 � / 60 $).

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Promotion: 15 or 20 euro 

House Sitting tips

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